This Is How To Get Back On Social Media After A Break

“Nobody cares if you’ve taken a break from social media.”

A while ago a friend told me how guilty she’d felt stepping back stepping from social because she needed a break. She thought she had to gear up with a big re-announcement explaining where she’s been, what she’s learned, what’s next…

And, very lovingly - and candidly- I gave her the advice above. It was meant as a permission slip.

Now here’s the thing: most people who create marketing and social strategies would vehemently disagree with this advice as face value.

Shoot: *I* tell people if you stop showing up for your audience they’ll go over to someone who is, and I preach about consistency. *I* talk about the missed opportunities to reach new people, to share your thought leadership, and to be someone your audience and community can depend on. They very well may stop looking for you if you’re inconsistent.

But you know what else is true: Many of us will need a break from social at some point. Even in real life, we might have times where we’re inconsistent and we usually don’t throw a parade to welcome ourselves back.

Not to mention: most of us are busy. Too busy to notice you’ve been inconsistent on social. And if you can fix our problem, we’re good. We’re glad to have found you.

Some just come back. Start. Flex that muscle. Do it again. Share what you know. Engage genuinely. Pay attention. See what’s resonating. Use that information to build strategically.

But don’t start by apologizing. When you start with an apology people think you have something to be sorry for and they’re less likely to connect with your content. 

Start by showing up.

And get friends who remind you of the advice you already know.


Here’s how to make your content stand out


Why You Have to Tell Your Audience (Again) What You Know, Do, & Care About