This Is How You become Known In Your Industry
Becoming known in your industry starts with your message.
I was in a zoom the other day, and when one person finished sharing why they do, what they do, the way they do it—-the person who’d posed a question to them look inspired enough to cry, and another person on the call literally said: “I want to stand up and sing the National Anthem right now.”
So, I texted the person who’d just finished speaking and said: "THAT’S how we’re going to message your story. Listen to those reactions. Look at everyone’s faces."
It doesn’t matter how you’ve been telling your story or how you think you should tell your story.
Tell it from the heart, and if people respond to you like you’ve just cracked open their day and brought new light into it—move your messaging there.
You can’t manufacture that, but you can listen for it. And stories with that level of impact—that’s how you become known in your industry.
If you've never experienced that reaction, remember what Albert Einstein said: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Now, I'm not suggesting you "dumb down" your message to make it simpler. We're not here to lean into simplicity for simplicity sake. It's for the sake of clarity. Why does what you do matter? How can you share that more clearly?
Start there--and let me know what you come up with.