What Do I Write Today

There's no blueprint for how to start this note. I'm horrified by today's events at the U.S. Capitol.

I had a grief counselor who once said I cope by doing, so here I am. In each unforeseen, heartbreaking, tumultuous moment of the past several months, clients have asked me: What on Earth do I write tomorrow? Do I post at all?

I always say: before you sign onto any project you should two things: your role and your goal. Let this guide your content tomorrow--and as needed in the foreseeable future.

Your role: What does your audience look to you for? Would they benefit from information, community, inspiration? For example, I received an email tonight from my former school explaining the various meetings students would have to start the school day tomorrow and resources to discuss today's event with them.

Your goal: Your goal should be to serve your audience. This might translate to answering questions they have per the example above, or providing a service (like communications advice), or even just showing up authentically. I want to acknowledge that showing up authentically may be all you can do, particularly if you or your community has been under attack by this president and his followers.

On a tactical note, I suggest reviewing pre-scheduled content that could come off in a bad way.

Reach out anytime.

In community,


Creating content & fear of cancel culture


These 5 Words Are a Big Communications Red Flag