Here’s why you should always repurpose your content
This will change how you think about repurposing content:
I’ve noticed that top TikTok dancers are in my feed- with the same choreography (that they’ve already nailed) in different outfits and locations.
And it’s benefiting them.
New people haven’t seen the old ones.
People who love them, love each one.
All of the content hits, or some of it does; but regardless the outcome is net positive.
And it’s the visual representation of what I’ve always said about repurposing content.
People are so afraid to repost the same caption or idea, but likely it’ll be seen by:
- brand new people (yay!)
- people in your audience who missed it the first time because we *know* social media algorithms show content to only a fraction of the audience (yay!)
- people in your audience who’ve seen it, love it, and will +1 it and it will solidify in their brain that it’s your thought leadership (yay!)
- people who don’t care (and so neither do you!)
So good ahead, share the good stuff (again). It’s the best way to “beat the algorithm,” and to become known for your key ideas.